ROUND TABLE Circus: Adapting Working and Production Methods Amongst the Current Uncertainties

Information Center
13. June 2022 | 19:00 -
Auditorium of Chamäleon Theater, Rosenthaler Straße 40/41, 10178 Berlin

ROUND TABLE Circus: Adapting Working and Production Methods Amongst the Current Uncertainties

Moderated by: Cox Ahlers (artist, project manager, mentor, member of the board of Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus e.V., the German Federal Association for Contemporary Circus), associate to: Anke Politz (artistic director of Chamäleon Theater)

Working across disciplines, we will shed some light this evening on what we have been working on over the last few years? What new opportunities we have used, which ones we have (re)discovered and which points of focus we have set: how have we dealt, in terms of content and in terms of structure, with quickly changing conditions, emotional moments, new situations and the demands upon us as artists? How do we want to work in the future? The exchange of experiences and (utopian) approaches to work is the topic of this 2nd ROUND TABLE event offered by the Berlin chapter of BUZZ together with the PAP Berlin Information Center. Anke Politz (artistic director of Chamäleon Theater) is our guest and she will talk about producing in uncertain times and is excited to learn about new paths and approaches over the course of the conversation. Cox Ahlers (BUZZ) will moderate the evening.

This event will take place in German and English spoken language.

This event is a cooperation between PAP - Neue Wege and Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus / BUZZ e.V. and is financed by funds from the program Qualification in the Culture Industry within the scope of the European Social Fund (ESF) and is co-financed by the State of Berlin.



Please sign up and register by June 6, 2022 to: beratung [at] (beratung@)beratung [at] (