Performersion International 2021 - Day 1

Network Event
Presentation & Discussion
3. February 2021 | 09:00 -

Performersion International 2021 - Day 1

Digital Spaces for Assembly, Exchange and Performance

We are very pleased to warmly invite you to the 2021 edition of Performersion International.

This year’s edition of Performersion is dedicated to the topic of Digital Spaces for Assembly, Exchange and Performance and will take place online from February 3 to 5, 2021.

Day 2 (February 4)
Day 3 (February 5)


Aside from video conference platforms, other digital options are increasingly being used to bring people together and conduct performative experiments. During the 2021 edition of Performersion International, well-versed experts will introduce a variety of different platforms and software over the course of example-oriented presentations. They will explain the usage potentials for performative purposes in detail and provide insight into possible developments.

The applicability for performance and assembly will also be determined by the respective control structures: who decides who can speak or listen? Who can send content themselves? How can the spaces be changed? How undisciplined can interaction between the participants be?

In addition, further aspects will be taken into consideration that are relevant for professional users working in the performing arts:

  • Data privacy for the providers and users
  • The accessibility and operability for providers and users
  • A cost project for sample applications
  • The ecological and social sustainability

Alongside applications that can be used well on a computer or smartphone, platforms will also be introduced whose aesthetics and performance mechanisms require a VR headset to explore. In order to bring all of these practitioners together, we are offering, together with digital.DTHG, the contact-free use of a current VR headset model in Ballhaus Ost.

Each day of the conference will take place on the secure and ecologically sustainable video conferencing platform Ecosero and each day will use a different link. The lectures and talks will be held in German, questions are welcome in English as well. From Ecosero, depending on the individual presentation, other digital rooms can be visited and/or links to digital rooms will be shared which can then be visited. Some of these rooms are only accessible for a limited number of participants.


Online Program

9:00 am to 10:00 am
Opening Event and Keynote Speech: Digital Performance Spaces – What is Currently Possible?

With Gloria Schulz (Blutende Freischwimmer:innen)
What are the digital spaces that can currently be used the best? What can they already do today and what further developments are down the road? Gloria Schulz has been able to collect a great deal of practical experience and theoretical expertise in this field. She will answer questions and share additional information and links. Space will also be provided here for the special needs of the participants.

10:00 am to 11:00 am
Space Introduction 1: A Digital Stage That Really Works (working title)

With Julian Klein, respectively TBA (, !KF – Institut für künstlerische Forschung [Institute for Artistic Research])
The digital stage is probably the most ambitious new development in this field: it is an audio-video conferencing tool for art, music and theater ensembles to rehearse together from different locations and to appear on a digital state before an audience on the internet – requiring only a minimum of technical equipment.


Physical Programming On-Site

On February 3, 4 and 5, digital spaces can be visited using a current VR headset between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Some of the spaces presented only reveal their performative potential when a VR headset is used, others are simply enhanced by a headset. One person at a time can explore digital spaces for fifty minutes with contactless instructions on the 4th floor of Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15. The headsets are disinfected after each use and the physical spaces are aired out.
We ask that you please register in a timely manner if you would like to participate and tell us what time and day you would like to attend (3:00, 4:00, 5:00 or 6:00 pm) by sending an email to performersion [at]



Performersion International 2021 takes place in cooperation with re:publica and digital.DTHG.

Please register for the events and tell us the days you would like to attend:
performersion [at] ().