Salon – Lost and Found: Partners for Projects

Information Center
Network Event
16. September 2021 | 17:00 -
This is event is currently planned to be held live, the location has not yet been announced.

Salon – Lost and Found: Partners for Projects

Host: Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus)

Who hasn't been in this situation before? We are still searching urgently for a dramaturg or stage designer for the next project, we are keen to take part in a performance project and have the time or we want to join up with a collective project. Unfortunately, neither posts nor mass mails have been able to bring anyone to the table. Over the course of the Digital Salon, projects can be presented, partners can be looked for and projects can be found. When registering for the event, please also briefly tell us: what kind of project or profession and/or position are you looking for? We look forward to a friendly event with you!

Register by September 9:
beratung [at]